Hello All!
Thank you ALL for your emails, texts and calls. We SO appreciate your concern and are grateful for our friends.
Just a quick update as to what I know as of now.
Our good friend JT has been fighting the fires all night long. He was able to go to a hotel last night to sleep for a few hours. When he had gotten there after midnight they were chalking our neighborhood "the cove" as a total loss. He didn't tell my friend (his wife) that information until after he went back in this morning at 4:30 and the homes at that point had not been touched. Luckily the winds had died down and they were able to save the homes in our neighborhood. They were burning in the back yards of our close neighbors. One home technically in our neighborhood but not part of our HOA is a complete loss (we can see their horses from our front yard).
Most of Herriman is allowed back home. Our neighborhood is not at this point allowed back in and may not be able to go back today at all. The hotspots that remain are in "the cove". We are praying for the wind to stay calm so the fires aren't reignited.
You can see updates obviously on the news but this site is updated every few min and gives a lot of good information. http://twitter.com/bereadyherriman We are South of 14200 S. as mentioned in the posts.
We were able to get one of our 2 cats out of the house. The other was hiding and the officers had to escort us out because we were taking too long looking for her. We hope she is ok as the smoke was crazy up there.
We'll keep you updated.
To respond, please email chazens@q.com that will be easier for me to reply.
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